General terms and conditions of access and use

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The owner of the website is the company DEXIBERICA SOLUCIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U (“DEXIBÉRICA”), the identification data of which is as follows:

  • Registered office: Calle Carae, 1, 50197 , Polígono Industrial Plaza, 50197. Zaragoza
  • Tax ID code: A61502332
  • e-mail:
  • Telephone no.: 976 305 555
  • Registry data: listed in the Companies Register of Zaragoza under Volume 2369, Folio 85, Page number Z-24092

Website Access

These General Terms and Conditions of Access and use control the access and use of the website of DEXIBÉRICA that is designed to provide users with information regarding DEXIBÉRICA, its products and/or services.

Access and use of the Website by users will mean acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Access and use. Therefore, please read the General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use careful whenever you want to use the Website, as they may be adapted and/or modified at any time.

If you do not agree to these General Terms and Conditions, please abstain from using the Website and its contents.

Website Use

Users agree to use the Website diligently, as well as the information relating to the products and/or services contained therein, in accordance with applicable law and with these General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use.

Users also agree not to take any action aimed at damaging, overloading and/or rendering the Website useless, or that prevents its normal use and/or operations in any way.

DEXIBÉRICA reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw the contents of any section of the Website at any time when, due to its contents, DEXIBÉRICA deems it appropriate. On all accounts, you may send an e-mail to DEXIBÉRICA to file any claim relating to the contents of the Website.

Users are informed that, in the event of a breach of the General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use or any other terms or conditions included on the Website, DEXIBÉRICA reserves the right to restrict, suspend and/or terminate their access to the Website, taking any technical measure required for this purpose.

DEXIBÉRICA makes every effort to ensure the Website remains operational, avoiding errors or, where applicable, repairing them, and maintaining the contents of the Website duly up to date. However, DEXIBÉRICA does not guarantee availability and continuity in access to the Website or the non-existence of errors in its contents, or that the latter is duly up to date.

DEXIBÉRICA reserves the right to make modifications, deletions and/or updates to the information contained on the Website, its settings or presentation at any time without the need for prior notice.


Access to the Website and any use made of any information it contains is made under the exclusive liability of the user.

DEXIBÉRICA is not liable for any damages and/or losses that may directly or indirectly arise from access or use of the information contained on the Website and, more particularly, of any information relating to third parties other than DEXIBÉRICA, including but not limited to the products in the computer systems or those provoked by the entry of viruses and/or computer attacks, and nor shall it be liable for any damages suffered by users due to the unsuitable use of the Website or any cuts or interruptions in, absence of, and/or defects in communications.

More specifically, DEXIBÉRICA expressly indicates that all the information regarding the specifications of its products that, where applicable, are contained on the Website does not substitute the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of DEXIBÉRICA, which users must consult before purchasing them. Users are therefore reminded of the need to carefully read all the documentation provided with the products purchased.

DEXIBÉRICA also declares that the information provided to the user as a result of specific enquiries regarding the products on the Website is merely illustrative and, therefore, accepts no liability for any damages and/or losses that may direct or indirectly arise from any use by the user of said information provided.

Furthermore, DEXIBÉRICA is not liable for any damages and/or losses regarding the software or hardware of the user as a result of access to the Website.

DEXIBÉRICA shall not be liable for the information sent by the user when it has no effective knowledge that the information stored is illegal or may harm the rights of a third party. As soon as it becomes effectively aware that it contains data such as the aforementioned, DEXIBÉRICA agrees to act diligently in order to remove it or make its access impossible.

The user shall be liable for all damages and losses of any kind that DEXIBÉRICA may incur as a result of a breach of any of the obligations to which he or she is subject by way of the General Terms and Conditions of Access and use or of the applicable law regarding use of the Website.


DEXIBÉRICA may include advertising content and/or third-party sponsorships on its Website. Advertisers and sponsors shall be solely responsible for ensuring the material sent for inclusion on the Website is fully compliant with the applicable law in each case.

As a result, DEXIBÉRICA shall not be held liable for any error, imprecision, and/or irregularity contained in the contents from advertisers or sponsors.

Link policy

a) Links to the Website

Any third parties intending to include a link to or framing with the Website on another website (“Linking Site”) must obtain the prior, express and written consent of DEXIBÉRICA.

Under no circumstances shall the authorisation given by DEXIBÉRICA mean that it supports, promotes, guarantees and/or recommends the contents and/or services of the Linking Site or that it is responsible for the contents thereof.

The Linking Site must comply with current law and may under no circumstances house first- or third-party contents that are illegal and/or harmful (violent, racist, insulting, etc.), and/or are inappropriate or not suitable in relation to the products and/or services of DEXIBÉRICA.

In the event of a breach of any of the aforementioned terms, DEXIBÉRICA shall immediately withdraw the consent given to the Linking Site, which must erase the link.

b) Links to other websites

The Website may include different links that allow the user to access other website (“Linked Sites”).

Under no circumstances does the existence of these links imply any recommendation, promotion, identification and/or conformity by DEXIBÉRICA with the statements, contents and/or services provided through the Linked Sites.

As a result, DEXIBÉRICA is not responsible for the contents of the Linked Sites or for their conditions of use, confidentiality policies, and other conditions, and users are solely responsible for verifying and accepting them whenever they access and use them.

Intellectual and industrial property

All intellectual property rights, designs, databases, underlying software (including source codes), and the different elements forming the Website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, audio, colour combinations, etc.) [the “Contents”], its structure, selection and order, are the property of DEXIBÉRICA or, where applicable, of its licensors.

The distinctive signs included on the Website are the property of DEXIBÉRICA or of its licensors. The domain name on which the Website URL is housed is also the property of DEXIBÉRICA.

By way of these General Terms and Conditions of Access and use, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, provision, extraction and/or any other form of not expressly authorised dissemination of the Website, its Contents and/or the distinctive signs and domain names owned by DEXIBÉRICA are expressly forbidden.

The unauthorised use of the Contents, and any damages and losses caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of DEXIBÉRICA could lead to any applicable legal action and any liabilities that may arise from said action.

Use of the Website by the user involves no transfer in his or her favour by DEXIBÉRICA of any intellectual and/or industrial property right regarding the Website and the Contents.


Where any of the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use are declared fully or partially null or unenforceable, said nullity or unenforceability shall only affect that clause or the part thereof that is null or unenforceable, and all others shall remain valid, considering said affected clause or part thereof not included.

To this end, the General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use shall only cease to be exclusively valid with regard to the null or unenforceable clause, and no other part or clause thereof shall be annulled, invalidated, hindered or affected by said nullity or unenforceability.

Protection of personal data

The aspects regarding the processing of the personal data of the Website users are regulated in the Website Privacy Policy.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Access to and use of the Website shall be governed and interpreted according to Spanish law.

In the event of any dispute or discrepancy regarding the interpreting and/or application of the General Terms and Conditions, the competent  Courts shall be those indicated by applicable law.
