Respiratory protection
Respiratory protection
Respiratory protection devices protect the user’s respiratory system from inhaling hazardous atmospheres, due either to the presence of dangerous substances (particles, gases or vapours, biological agents) or to a lack of oxygen.

Consult respiratory protection regulations
UNE-EN 132:1999 (replacing UNE-EN 340:2004)
Respiratory protective devices. Definitions of terms and pictograms.
UNE-EN 133:2002
Respiratory protective devices. Classification
UNE-EN 134:1998
Respiratory protective devices. Nomenclature of components.
UNE-EN 135:1999
Respiratory protective devices. List of equivalent terms.
UNE-EN 529:2006
Respiratory protective devices. Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance. Guidance document.
UNE-EN 136:1998, UNE-EN 136/AC:2004
Respiratory protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 140:1999, UNE-EN 140/AC:2000
Respiratory protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 142:2002
Respiratory protective devices. Mouthpiece assemblies. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 1827:1999+A1:2010
Respiratory protective devices. Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 148-1:1999
Respiratory protective devices. Threads for facepieces. Part 1: Standard thread connection.
UNE-EN 148-2:1999
Respiratory protective devices. Threads for facepieces. Part 2: Centre thread connection.
UNE-EN 148-3:1999
Respiratory protective devices. Threads for facepieces. Part 3: Thread connection M45 x 3.
UNE-EN 143:2001, UNE-EN 143/AC:2002, UNE-EN 143:2001/AC:2005, UNE-EN 143:2001/A1:2006
Respiratory protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14387:2004+A1:2008
Respiratory protective devices. Gas filters and combined filters Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 149:2001+A1:2010
Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 405:2002+A1:2010 Respiratory protective devices. Valved filteri.
UNE-EN 12941:1999, UNE-EN 12941/A1:2004, UNE-EN 12941:1999/A2:2009 Respiratory protective devices. Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 12942:1999, UNE-EN 12942/A1:2003, UNE-EN 12942:1999/A2:2009
Respiratory protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 138:1995
Respiratory protective devices. Respiratory protective devices with fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 269:1995
Respiratory protective devices. Respiratory protective devices with powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a hood. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14593-1:2005 UNE-EN 14593:1:2005 Respiratory protective devices. Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve. Part 1: Apparatus with a full face mask. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14594:2005
Respiratory protective devices. Continuous flow compressed air line breathing apparatus. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 137:2007
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14435:2004
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with half mask designed to be used with positive pressure only. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 145:1998, UNE-EN 145/A1:2001
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 12021:2014 (published in December 2014, replacing UNE-EN 12021:1999).
Respiratory protective devices. Compressed gases for breathing apparatus
UNE-EN 144-1:2001, UNE-EN 144-1/A1:2003, UNE-EN 144-1:2001/A2:2005
Respiratory protective devices. Gas cylinder valves. Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector.
UNE-EN 144-2:1999
Respiratory protective devices. Gas cylinder valves. Part 2: Outlet connections.
UNE-EN 144-3:2003, UNE-EN 144-1/AC:2004
Respiratory protective devices. Gas cylinder valves. Part 3: Outlet connections for diving gases Nitrox and oxygen.
UNE-EN 403:2004
Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue. Filtering devices with hood for escape from fire. Requirements, testing, marking
UNE-EN 404:2005
Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue. Filter self-rescuer from carbon monoxide with mouthpiece assembly.
UNE-EN 402:2004
Respiratory protective devices. Lung governed demand self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask or mouthpiece assembly for escape. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 1146:2006
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood for escape. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14529:2006
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with half mask designed to include a positive pressure lung governed demand valve for escape purposes only.
UNE-EN 13794:2003
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus for escape. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 250:2014
((Published in December 2014, replacing UNE-EN 250:2001, UNE-EN 250:2001/A1:2006).
Respiratory equipment. Open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving apparatus. Requirements, testing and marking.
UNE-EN 1073-2:2003
Respiratory protective devices. Open-circuit self-contained diving apparatus for use with compressed Nitrox and oxygen. Requirements, testing, marking.
UNE-EN 14143:2014 (published in March 2014, replacing UNA-EN 14143:2004)
Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained re-breathing diving apparatus.
UNE-EN 15333-1:2008, UNE-EN 15333-1:2008/AC:2010
Respiratory protective devices. Open-circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus. Part 1: Demand apparatus
UNE-EN 15333-2:2009
Respiratory protective devices. Open-circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus.
Part 2: Free flow apparatus
UNE-EN 13274-1:2001
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 1: Determination of inward leakage and total inward leakage.
UNE-EN 13274-2:2001
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 2: Practical performance tests.
UNE-EN 13274-3:2002
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 3: Determination of breathing resistance.
UNE-EN 13274-4:2002
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 4: Flame test.
UNE-EN 13274-5:2001
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 5: Climatic conditions.
UNE-EN 13274-6:2002
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 6: Determination of carbon dioxide content of the inhalation air.
UNE-EN 13274-7:2008
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 7: Determination of particle filter penetration.
UNE-EN 13274-8:2003
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test. Part 8: Determination of dolomite dust clogging.
ISO 16900-1:2014
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 1: Determination of inward leakage.
ISO 16900-2:2009
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 2: Determination of breathing resistance.
ISO 16900-3:2012
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 3: Determination of particle filter penetration.
ISO 16900-4:2011
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 4: Determination of gas filter capacity and migration, desorption and carbon monoxide dynamic testing.
ISO 16900-5:2016
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 5: Breathing machine, metabolic simulator, RPD headforms and torso, tools and verification tools.
ISO 16900-6:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 6: Mechanical resistance/strength of components and connections.
ISO 16900-7:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 7: Practical performance test methods.
ISO 16900-8:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 8: Measurement of RPD air flow rates of assisted filtering RPD.
ISO 16900-9:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 9: Determination of carbon dioxide content of the inhaled gas.
ISO 16900-10:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 10: Resistance to ignition, flame, radiant heat and heat.
ISO 16900-11:2013
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 11: Determination of field of visión.
ISO 16900-12:2016
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 12: Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures.
ISO 16900-13:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 13: RPD using regenerated breathable gas and special application mining escape RPD: Consolidated test for gas concentration, temperature, humidity, work of breathing, breathing resistance, elastance and duration
ISO 16900-14:2015
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Part 14: Measurement of sound level.
ISO 16972:2010
Respiratory protective devices. Terms, definitions, graphical symbols and units of measurement.
ISO/TS 16973:2016
Respiratory protective devices. Classification for respiratory protective device (RPD), excluding RPD for underwater application.
ISO/TS 16974:2011
Respiratory protective devices. Marking and information supplied by the manufacturer.
ISO/TS 16975-1:2016
Respiratory protective devices. Selection, use and maintenance. Part 1: Establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme.
ISO/TS 16975-2:2016
Respiratory protective devices. Selection, use and maintenance. Part 2: Condensed guidance to establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme.
ISO/TS 16976-1:2015 (noviembre de 2015, sustituye a ISO 16976-1:2007)
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 1: Metabolic rates and respiratory flow rates.
ISO/TS 16976-2:2015 (abril de 2015, sustituye a ISO 16976-2:2010)
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 2: Anthropometrics.
ISO/TS 16976-3:2011
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 3: Physiological responses and limitations of oxygen and limitations of carbon dioxide in the breathing environment
ISO/TS 16976-4:2012
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 4: Work of breathing and breathing resistance: Physiologically based limits.
ISO/TS 16976-5:2013
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 5: Thermal effects,
ISO/TS 16976-6:2014
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 6: Psycho-physiological effects.
ISO/TS 16976-7:2013
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 7: Hearing and speech.
ISO/TS 16976-8:2013
Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Part 8: Ergonomic factors.
ISO 17420-3:2012
Respiratory protective devices. Performance requirements. Part 3: Thread connection.